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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Thank You Patrons

Greetings for the New Year 2013!

Our sincere ‘thank you’ to each one of you for serenading us as a conscientious, content rich, easy-to-read and informative Ezine.

Your continued feedback has helped us raise the bar on our deliverance. As we sashay towards still undiscovered pastures with a retinue of diligent writers and encouraging subscribers, we solicit your pampering and your rebuffs.

Tell us about your preferences – of subject, layout, photographs, people, events... Share with your insights and sightings... Tell us – about us.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

We are 'One' today

Dear Readers,

IAnD strives to bring you a wholesome mix of design, art and architecture. We try to cater to everyone with a marked aesthetic sense by featuring diverse content related to the four verticals - art and design per se, decor and architecture. 

We hope that you are enjoying reading our ezine as much as we are, putting things together for you, week after week.

Your feedback matters to us. Tell us what you like in our pages, what you dislike, what else you'd like to read here. 

Leave us your bouquets and your brickbats. We will make special note of your suggestions and try and incorporate them to the extent possible. 

As a  gracious reciprocal, we offer a special gift, courtesy Pradarshak, to one lucky winner every month.  

So, get going!

Team IAnD